Essentials you MUST carry for a Job Interview

Essentials you MUST carry for a Job Interview

31th December 2018

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If you have got the call for an interview, great! Now it is time to own the interview by being there full-prepared.

Here are some essential things you need to take with you for the job interview. You need a list of these essentials because, missing even one single item can make you look like irresponsible or unorganized.

Updated Resume
Printing a copy or multiple copies of your updated resume should not take much time. Even if it is going to cost you ten minutes, do spend it. You cannot afford to walk in without a resume for your interview.

Some employers might want to have a look at your original certificates. You don’t have to carry all your certificates starting from high school. A handful relating to your professional certifications and recent accomplishments would do. Also, consider having a briefcase or a portfolio folder where all these materials can be neatly organized for quick retrieval.

Referral letters
Were you referred to this prospective employer by someone? If so, do carry a letter from them. If it was through email, do carry a print out. If it happened online, don’t forget to take a screenshot, lest you will be spending time trying to skim through emails and text messages to find the right one.

A notepad & pen
Even in the age of smartphones and tablets, a pen and a notepad is such a powerful tool. Putting a pen to paper and taking notes is a professional act. Of course you can use your smartphone to take notes, if that suits you.

Your visiting card
Not everybody requires a visiting card. But, if your profile is one that can be justified with a visiting card, do carry one. In fact, it will help the interviewer pull out your information quickly and reach for you faster.

There you go. Your resume takeaway kit that will help you supply all the information that your interviewer would ask for. Make a list of these and tick them off before you head out through the door.